Dovendi is your partner in the purchase, sale, and management of domain names.
Your knowledge and service partner for aftermarket domain names

This is Dovendi. Nice to meet you! is an internationally-oriented specialist in aftermarket domain names. With our portal we stand out from the rest by providing unique and independent search capabilities across all providers and marketplaces. We offer holders of domain names various services, including the option to manage their entire portfolio. All of this is done with a focus on providing transparent and objective information about the market, as well as regularly sharing our knowledge.
How we work
At Dovendi, we work for third parties. We only offer previously registered domain names, known as the aftermarket. We are not domain name holders ourselves, nor do we register new names. We manage the portfolios of partners (also known as domainers) and facilitate sales transactions. We attach a response form to the domain names and follow up on leads. We handle the entire process, from the initial quote to the transfer of the domain name.
Our Promises
- Cyber security is a high priority
- We stay away from any unauthorised domain registration
- Whenever possible, we help you deal with any unwanted loss of a domain name
- We always provide clear explanations and guidance

We like to get to know you!
This is our DNA
Why we do it
To be known as the best specialist in used domain names. By sharing knowledge, we provide all stakeholders with information about the relevance and value of domain names.
How we see the future
We see domain names as virtual real estate. The scarcity of available domain names increases their value. The market for used domain names will exceed new registrations
How we Keep Our Promises
We will help you find a suitable domain name, considering the interests of both the buyer and the seller.
Careful | Collaborative | Friendly
Our approach is characterised by an informal and practical approach. We aim to close every deal satisfactorily, but we do understand that it's not always possible.
Practical | Accessible | Informal
We don't believe in "can't". With courage and authenticity, we are the driving force behind professionalising the market.
Courageous | Human | Authentic
We are experts in domain names and take our responsibility to deliver quality results seriously.
Specialist | Experienced | Professional
Meet Our Team
At Dovendi, we work with a small team that is focused on helping visitors who are searching for a domain name. We rely on external experts for technical development to support our ambitions. To protect our people's online visibility, we use avatars.
Social initiatives that we have helped with their domain name in collaboration with partners.