
The well-known Fine Print

Also known as Terms and Conditions

Version: April 2024

We strive to provide optimal service and to be open and clear about it. However, we cannot avoid having rules, so here are our Terms and Conditions.

Please take the time to read the terms.

First of all. We advise you, as a Visitor of this Website, to read the Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy before using our website and services. These Terms and Policy are applicable. By using the site, you agree to them. In this document, you will find what these conditions entail.

Definitions Used

Below, we explain the terms or descriptions used in our Terms and Conditions.


Dovendi BV (Dovendi), located at H.J.E. Wenckebachweg 123, 1096 AM Amsterdam (Netherlands) and registered under Chamber of Commerce number 89369181.

Dovendi is the owner of the website, to which these Terms and Conditions apply.

As Administrator, we wear multiple hats: Contractor, Mediator, Contractor, Real Estate Agent, etc. When we use 'We, us, and our', it also refers to the Administrator in applicable cases.


This refers to the website of Dovendi, namely

Visitor | User

A person or representative of a legal entity who uses the Website, consults it, and explores the services.


Also referred to as Buyer, Customer. In all cases, the person, organization, institution, who purchases a domain name or service from the Provider.


The Administrator may, in certain cases, act as Contractor or Provider of services.


The Contractor acts as a Mediator between Provider and Client upon request.


The Administrator always acts as a Broker between Provider and Visitor (potential Buyer, Acquirer). The Administrator is not the holder of domain names offered via the Website.


General term for involved individual or organization ('Party') who may or may not have a certain relationship with each other ('Parties').


The Party offering domain names for sale via the Website and/or making Services known via the Website.


Everything apart from offering a domain name, including but not limited to: Advice, Mediation, Valuation, etc.


The entirety of what can be obtained via the Website.


An (sales) agreement between Provider and Client concluded via the Website.

Compensation | Fee

The Administrator receives Compensation (Fee) from the Provider upon the conclusion of a Transaction.


A Party offering knowledge and/or services via the Website and is identifiable as such on the Website. A Partner has a direct relationship with the Contractor. A Partner can also be a Provider.

Third Parties

All Parties that have a direct or indirect relationship with the Administrator, whose services fall outside the responsibility of the Administrator.

Domain Name

In the context of offering a domain name via the website of the Contractor, these are tradable domain names available for anyone to purchase.


The person or organization that has registered the domain name. Also referred to as 'Owner'.


The party that has registered the domain name on behalf of someone else. Not necessarily the holder of the domain name.

These are our Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions apply to all Services of Dovendi BV and the use of the Website. Furthermore, the Terms and Conditions of the Provider apply to Transactions, for which the Administrator bears no responsibility and/or liability.

Not that we are looking forward to it, but we reserve the right to unilaterally change the Terms and Conditions.

Liability matters

As Administrator, we do everything we can to maintain the quality of the Offer as high as possible, but we are not liable for the reliability of the services provided by the respective Provider or Partner.

Dovendi is not responsible for the domain names under management, for example in case of claims on trademark rights, (former) ownership, cybercrime, cybersquatting, or anything else. In such cases, Dovendi will play a mediating role.

Dovendi is not liable for the availability of a domain name when transfer does not occur, for example:

Failure to obtain transfer code, bankruptcy of Partner, previously sold and not transferred, business dispute. In all such cases, Dovendi ensures the crediting of the purchase.

About the service provision

The Website offers a portal where:


Can search for available domain names, take various Services, and freely gather information.


Can share knowledge, as well as offer services and domain names.

Listed prices

Prices on the Website or communicated in any way are always exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated or agreed in writing.

We are vigilant about the quality of the information provided. However, we cannot guarantee with certainty that all information on the website is always correct and complete. Prices and other information on the Website and in other sources originating from us are therefore subject to typographical and programming errors.

Reservation of a domain name

We may reserve a domain name on behalf of Holder(s) for a maximum of 5 working days. However, we can never guarantee that the name will still be available at the time of processing the data provided by the Client.

Right of withdrawal possible?

We mediate in and deliver services. Therefore, it is not possible to invoke the legally established right of withdrawal. By accepting a proposal, you agree to immediate delivery, thus waiving your right of withdrawal.

What do we do with your data?

We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Statement. You can find it on our website at the bottom of the footer.

Also good to know

Dutch law applies to a closed agreement. To the extent that mandatory rules do not prescribe otherwise, all disputes arising from the Agreement will be submitted to the competent Dutch court.

If a provision of a Condition is found to be incorrect, invalid, void, or illegal, this does not affect the validity of the entire General Terms and Conditions. In such a case, the Parties concerned will enter into consultations in good faith with the aim of establishing new provision(s) to replace the old one, with the Parties aiming to approximate the essence of the original provision as much as possible.

If you have any questions or comments after reading these General Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us.