Domain auction

For cleaning up your portfolio

Do you have names you want to sell but don't have the time and is management or mediation not an option? Then an auction can be a solution.

Type of auction


When to hold an auction

By definition, there is time pressure on an auction, and for that reason alone, an auction is not immediately suitable for exclusive (high-end) domain names. Mediation is a better alternative for that. If there are several interested parties, a private auction may be considered.

An auction is generally suitable for clearing out larger quantities. This is usually the case when cleaning up your portfolio before cancelling names. If you are going to clean up domain names, then we are happy to help you assess the names and give concise advice on the best method to offer the names for sale. You can also choose a valuation before deciding to clean up or auction.

Private auction

If you have a premium domain name for sale and there are potentially two or more interested parties, a private auction is a good option. The interests of those involved and privacy are highly valued here. If you are interested in this, we will arrange this through our partner network. Consider our mediation services for selling premium domain names as well.

On-request auction

A type of auction is an auction of existing domain names that is about to be released for re-registration (out of quarantine) and contains a domain name in which you are interested. There are various parties you can register for an auction to be eligible for this name. They try to catch the name for you (drop catching). If that is successful and there are several interested parties in the domain name, an auction follows, whether or not based on a predetermined minimum price. There are various parties that organize such an auction.