Dovendi is your partner in the purchase, sale, and management of domain names.

Earn money with domain names
Do you own domain names that have been previously used and are currently not being used? There's a chance that these names are still generating traffic and therefore are valuable. Bodis is a specialist in this field and works with the largest domainers and registrars.
Parking page
On domain names that are for sale, you often come across a so-called parking page with relevant advertisements for the domain name. This is one of the things that Bodis takes care of. Their services go even further, including branded landing pages.

About Bodis
Bodis places advertisements based on a combination of targeted Pay Per Click and Pay Per Redirect. By working with the world's largest advertising networks, Bodis offers almost 100% global ad coverage in all industries, TLDs, and languages. Therefore, Bodis is the smart choice for parties looking for a hands-off solution to generate income with domains and an extra monthly income. Bodis only supports type-in organic or expired (such as backlinks) traffic. Currently, Bodis is only available by invitation.
Interesting business for you?
Bodis focuses on larger parties. It makes sense because there is quite a bit involved in setting up the functionality. In collaboration with, you can achieve the necessary scale. Do you have a portfolio of domain names and want to know if a parking page is worthwhile? It all starts with a brief inventory.