
We are missing crucial donations!

Foundation ‘Stichting 2CU’ (literally "to see you") aims to ensure and, where possible, improve the quality of life for people with ZEVMB and their families through visibility and attention. The website is an important part of fundraising efforts.

The case

"We increasingly got the feeling that requests and donations were not reaching us," says Susanna de Wit, Project Manager & Parent Expert. She continues, "Initially, we had no idea if this was really the case and, if so, why. Upon inquiry, it turned out that people were emailing us at a .nl email address out of habit, while our site and email were accessible via a .nu extension. This confusion led us to search for the owner of to see if we could arrange something.”

The solution

Fortunately, we were in luck as the domain name was available. Through mediation, we were able to acquire the domain name. We were extremely happy with this outcome, and it shows how important a good domain name can be. The existing environment was linked to the .nl domain name without any issues, which means we are now accessible on both extensions and no longer miss any messages. Here's a practical tip: pay attention to your spam box, as important messages can end up there too!

About Stichting 2CU: Visibility through attention

2CU does not look at what someone has, but at who someone is.

People with ZEVMB are unique due to the combination of various limitations that intervene with each other in different degrees. This requires special care, innovative solutions, and customised support. That's why we support and initiate developments that improve the care for people with ZEVMB. 2CU focuses not only on the child and the immediate environment but also on the people and parties involved, which makes us unique.

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Don't look what someone has, but at who someone is

There are various ways to support 2CU

Since its establishment, Foundation 2CU has met many people who have a warm heart for us, but especially for the families we stand for. This can be done in many ways, such as financially by becoming a donor, sponsor, or 2CU friend, but also by helping to create visibility and attention.

You can become a Donor, sponsor 2CU, or become a Friend.

Details of 2CU

IBAN: NL 95 RABO 0310 7283 39

Account name: Stichting Complex Care United


Chamber of Commerce (KVK): 65791789

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