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Gambling site gambles wrong with reverse domain name hijacking
The online gambling company that uses for its website has tried to claim the domain name via reverse domain name hijacking.

The online gambling company that uses for its website has tried to claim the domain name via reverse domain name hijacking. The panel of the World Intellectual Property Organization has put a stop to this.
VGW Holdings Limited has been operating their site at since 2010. It also has several trademarks for OSH. the Hyundoo Shin company, on the other hand, registered in 2002, so the claim had little chance.
A quote from the panel ruling: The complainant should have known that the complaint could not be honored and the complaint can only be seen as an attempt to deprive a registered domain name holder of a domain name in this manner.
Read here the article on DNW
Afbeelding: Tayeb MEZAHDIA (@pixabay)